Want to improve your ultrasound scanning skills and learn more about the distal biceps tendon? Join SonoSkills founder & trainer Marc Schmitz in his 90-minute online SonoClass where he will guide you through The 8-Step Distal Biceps Tendon Ultrasound Protocol. With a focus on anatomy, biomechanics, and pathophysiology, you'll learn multiple ways to scan the distal biceps tendon and gain a deeper understanding. Become a better sonographer and enroll in this SonoClass today!
- Discovering the topographic anatomy of the distal biceps tendon: discussing origins, insertions and the physical relationships between tissues.
- Understanding the biomechanics of several interconnected structures.
- Learning some common pathologies, injuries and pathophysiologic mechanisms in this region.
- Understanding the sonoanatomical appearance of distal biceps tendon and connected structures.
- Learning how to scan the distal biceps tendon correctly by using the SonoSkills Quality Checklist and with thus creating great images.
- Learning how to analyze distal biceps tendon pathology images in a structured and step-by-step approach by using the SonoSkills pathology checklist.
- Seeing a variety of pathology cases in distal biceps tendon i.e. tendinopathy, partial and complete tearing, retraction of fibers, bursitis.
Why should you follow this online course
Scanning the distal biceps insertion can be tricky due to its small size, deep location, and oblique course. The anatomy can also vary between individuals, making it challenging to identify the insertion site accurately. Additionally, the surrounding structures such as the radial tuberosity, brachialis muscle, and bicipital aponeurosis can create artifacts or obscure visualization. Therefore, a combination of dynamic ultrasound and MRI or CT is currently mostly performed for accurate assessment.
We believe that with the SonoSkills 8-Step Distal Biceps Tendon Ultrasound Protocol you can diagnose most distal biceps tendon pathologies, without having to make use of other medical imaging techniques.
After completion you'll receive a digital SonoSkills Certificate of Attendance and proof of your CME points.
Interested in alternative training options?
If you are interested in more elbow content, please click here. If you wish to have hands-on training of advanced elbow ultrasound techniques, please visit our Advanced MSK ultrasound boot camp. Maybe you're looking for interventional ultrasound skills, such as injections of elbow joint or tennis/golfer's elbow. In that case we recommend you our ultrasound guided extremity joints injection course.
Scanning the distal biceps insertion can be tricky due to its small size, deep location, and oblique course. The anatomy can also vary between individuals, making it challenging to identify the insertion site accurately. Additionally, the surrounding structures such as the radial tuberosity, brachialis muscle, and bicipital aponeurosis can create artifacts or obscure visualization. Therefore, a combination of dynamic ultrasound and MRI or CT is currently mostly performed for accurate assessment.
We believe that with the SonoSkills 8-Step Distal Biceps Tendon Ultrasound Protocol you can diagnose most distal biceps tendon pathologies, without having to make use of other medical imaging techniques.
After completion you'll receive a digital SonoSkills Certificate of Attendance and proof of your CME points.
Interested in alternative training options?
If you are interested in more elbow content, please click here. If you wish to have hands-on training of advanced elbow ultrasound techniques, please visit our Advanced MSK ultrasound boot camp. Maybe you're looking for interventional ultrasound skills, such as injections of elbow joint or tennis/golfer's elbow. In that case we recommend you our ultrasound guided extremity joints injection course.
The 8-Step Distal Biceps Tendon Ultrasound Protocol: Never Miss A Pathology Again
1 month access
English -
1,5 CME points -
1,5 Hour -
Marc Schmitz