photo Saulius Rutkauskas, MD, PhD

Saulius Rutkauskas, MD, PhD


Saulius finished his Radiology residency at the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences in 2009. But before his residency he was already interested in MSK ultrasound diagnostic possibilities. Because of safety, speed and all diagnostic advantages he started to specialize in pediatric musculoskeletal ultrasound pathology.

As a radiologist, Saulius works in both a private clinic and a rural general hospital. He scans over 100 patients per week with various MSK pathology. He is also a senior scientist at the Lithuanian Sports University and co-author of two textbooks and more than 7 peer-reviewed articles, dedicated to MSK ultrasound.

Saulius is the head of the Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Society in Lithuania. He is a member of the European Society of Radiology (ESR) and European Society of Musculoskeletal Radiology (ESSR). He has organized more than 20 local hands-on seminars and 3 conferences on the topic. Together with ESSR, he organized the Outreach MSK US course in Kaunas, Lithuania in 2019. Saulius is also regularly invited to speak and tutor at the ESSR annual meetings and other Outreach courses.

Saulius likes long distance walking and sometimes cycling. One of his favorite hobbies is traveling through Europe with his family. When he’s got some time to spare, Saulius enjoys Sci-Fi books and movies.


Clinical indications for musculoskeletal ultrasound updated in 2017 by European Society of Musculoskeletal Radiology (ESSR) consensus.
Sconfienza LM, Albano D, Allen G, Bazzocchi A, Bignotti B, Chianca V, Facal de Castro F, Drakonaki EE, Gallardo E, Gielen J, Klauser AS, Martinoli C, Mauri G, McNally E, Messina C, Mirón Mombiela R, Orlandi D, Plagou A, Posadzy M, de la Puente R, Reijnierse M, Rossi F, Rutkauskas S, Snoj Z, Vucetic J, Wilson D, Tagliafico AS.

Intratendinous Air Phenomenon: A New Ultrasound Marker of Tendon Damage?
Rutkauskas S, Paleckis V, Skurvydas A, Satkunskiene D, Brazaitis M, Snieckus A, Baranauskiene N, Rancevas R, Kamandulis S.

Changes in Indirect Markers of Muscle Damage and Tendons After Daily Drop Jumping Exercise with Rapid Load Increase.
Paleckis V, Mickevičius M, Snieckus A, Streckis V, Pääsuke M, Rutkauskas S, Steponavičiūtė R, Skurvydas A, Kamandulis S.

Absence of Bilateral Differences in Child Baseball Players with Throwing-related Pain.
Mickevičius M, Rutkauskas S, Sipavičienė S, Skurvydas A, Jürimäe J, Degens H, Kamandulis S.

Early anterior knee pain in male adolescent basketball players is related to body height and abnormal knee morphology.
Mickevičius M, Degens H, Kesminas R, Rutkauskas S, Satkunskienė D, Vadopalas K, Pukėnas K, Jürimäe J, Skurvydas A, Kamandulis S.

Automated segmentation of transcranial sonographic images in the diagnostics of Parkinson's disease.
Sakalauskas A, Lukoševičius A, Laučkaitė K, Jegelevičius D, Rutkauskas S.